2009年5月11日 星期一

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english (en)European Commission Dgs Information Society and Media Directorate-General At a Glance
Promoting wider use
Who's Who
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Evaluation & Monitoring
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DG Policies i2010 Audiovisual and Media eCommunications Radio Spectrum Public Sector Information eEurope 2005 DG Activities ICT in FP7 MEDIA Programme Digital Libraries Initative eContentplus eTEN Safer Internet Evaluations Agencies and Groups Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency ENISA (Network Security) ERG (European Regulators) RSPG (Radio Spectrum Policy) Thematic Portal Portal Home Newsroom Funding Opportunities Calendar Library IS Policies IS Activities Alternate presentations:
Information Society and Media Directorate-General
Shaping Europe's Digital Future
"DG Information Society & Media pursues an integrated approach to achieving the Information Society, encompassing an evolving regulatory environment which emphasises competition and lets the market decide on technology; a world-class research programme which pools Europe's resources for world leadership; and a range of programmes designed to promote wider use , demonstrate innovative technologies and ensure that the benefits are felt by all"

Each activity feeds the others holistically: EU regulation is developed in the light of cutting-edge research, for example, while both research and promotion help create the competitive, inclusive European economy foreseen by regulation.

- Fabio Colasanti, Director-General

A Triple Play for Europe

EU-led regulation liberalised Europe’s telecommunications sector in the 1990s, creating growth and driving prices down. read on ...

Information Communication Technologies research takes up the single largest portion (over €9bn) of the EU's "Seventh Framework Programme for Research" (2006-2013). read on ...

Promoting Wider Use
A range of programmes to overcome obstacles slowing down the roll-out of the Information Society. read on ...

More Information:
Read our mission statement and our brochure [333 KB]

Watch our video


the Information Society Thematic Portal: Information Society Policies, Activities and News from across the European Commission
the Audiovisual Policies, MEDIA Programme and ICT Research sites

Viviane Reding, Commissioner for Information Society and Media
"It's probably no surprise to you that Europe's IT, tele-com - munications and audiovisual industries are important to our future. Taken together, these sectors are now worth around 8% of EU GDP - double the value of the early 1990s - and employ 13 million people." Read more...


Factsheets on the Information Society and Media
A growing series of Factsheets - short, non-technical presentations of both EU Information Society policies and programmes - are available to help you discover more about the work of DG Information Society and Media and the European Information Society in general.


Last update: 20/08/2008 |Top
